Swamp Town holiday lets

WaysUnseen created a quaint little swamp town and now it just needs some adventures to go with it. If you sign up to his patreon you will get a full set of 1d3 events and encounters to go with the map but for those of us more interested in the story telling, here’s what I came up with for one of the buildings, a bookable holiday home set in a DnD realm. Perhaps you could come up with you own guest ideas and share them in the comments or use one of these characters in a story or campaign and let me know how it goes:

Even supernatural creatures need a holiday, and where better to relax than a nice little hideaway on the Swamp. There aren’t any booking websites in this realm but the reputation of the Swamp has spread far and wide for its relaxing and restorative ambience. A rather enterprising self-proclaimed Mayor has decided tourism is just what the Swamp needs and is hiring out ‘The Hideaway’ to anyone able to pay the booking. The guest book is a veritable who’s who of the supernatural world. Here’s a selection of entries from said book:

Elyana, siren from West Cliffs: thank you so much for such a wonderful stay. The Hideaway is a perfect getaway from the day-to-day grind. It’s so peaceful here, no sailors constantly going past and blaming me for their poor navigation skills. They ought to be ashamed of themselves, so much easier to blame a siren than come clean to their wives. Anyway, enough about them. The herbal tea selection was very welcome as I have been struggling with my voice for a while now, hence the holiday. I would, however, question the use of the swamp water without filtering it first. Something climbed out of my first cup and tried to run off with the fine china.

Cirenisus, bearded demon from Ryletha: definitely will be booking for next year! The dampening effect of the swamp on outside magic is absolutely first class. I have had a whole week without being summoned once. You don’t know how stressful it is never knowing when you’re next going to be booped out of your day into some fool’s front room in order to get back on their neighbour for ruining their hedge or some such nonsense. I have managed to read a whole book and even more blissful, had a bath knowing I didn’t have to have one hand grasping a towel at all times, just in case. The locals kept their distance which was fine by me, although the Mayor did come over at one point and start telling me about the local tavern owner who is making a play for office, fairly sure he was wanting me to intervene. If I can have a discount next year, then maybe we can talk. You have my number.

Rocky, golem from nowhere really: I came to the Swamp for some serious soul searching and I can safely say it has turned my whole life around. I had a week of peaceful contemplation without having to serve my master. Since my master died, I was somewhat lost, mainly because I had never been able to do what I wanted before, it’s a rather strange sensation, free will. Anyway, the range of reading materials supplied were very welcome, I had never read a romance fiction before but I thoroughly enjoyed them. One rather risqué book was particularly thrilling and the author had the same second name as the Mayor! I wonder if they are related. Well, I leave the Hideaway a changed golem, no longer will I live in the shadow of my master. I won’t be going far though, the Mayor has offered me a position in his council, and I will be doing all the jobs he is unable to do, like cleaning, cooking, security work. I am definitely looking forward to my fresh start as a free… oh, sorry, the Mayor is shouting for me. Must go.

One thought on “Swamp Town holiday lets

  1. Very interesting, the very idea that the supernatural world needs a safe haven for r & r is thought provoking.🤔
    Makes you wonder what the star rating is on Trivago 😜
    I do however worry about Golem…he’s obviously jumped from one passive aggressive relationship into another 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Poor guy☺️


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