This is not a story

I feel that the title of this post would make a rather good story title, or maybe a poem. But alas, it is purely factual in that this really isn't a story. This is a post to just allow me to ramble about writing. Or more accurately about the things that stop you from writing, … Continue reading This is not a story

August Shaw- Sidekicks Unite!

Summer of Speculation may be eight months old but Shade a.k.a August Shaw has stuck with me. The brief was simple, write a scifi/fantasy story based on the theme sidekicks. It took me ages to finally hit upon it, especially when I was hellbent on making it a comedy (I still blame Goes Wrong Show … Continue reading August Shaw- Sidekicks Unite!

News! Ish

So, not a story this time. Not even inspired ramblings of an insane writer slowly trying to procrastinate instead of work. Well, the procrastinating bit probably is correct but anywho. No, this blog post I thought I'd talk a bit about what's going on in my writing world. First things first, August Shade and the … Continue reading News! Ish