
This was written for week 609 of Thurs Threads hosted by Siobhan Muir. This is also a sort of sequel of the previous short, also on the blog called Falling. Find more about the other stories here.

“I asked for a report from Belzia an hour ago.” Rafe raised his gaze to glower at his aide whilst he continued scribbling his notes. He’d been listening to several accounts of the last few days and trying to piece together what had happened.

“She’s missing.” The aide stuttered. Rafe slammed his hand on the desk, spilling ink everywhere.

“Well then find her. She’ll be in the armoury or hunting down some lead in the archives.” His patience was wearing thinner by the day. Rumours were running wild and he needed to get quell them, getting to the truth would also be advantageous but that came second. First, he needed to stop their ranks getting restless and worried. Belzia was the one he trusted most to get to the bottom of everything.

“No Sir, I mean. She’s completely missing. I have checked for her and she…” he paused, not daring to say it. “She’s no longer in Heaven.”

Rafe’s blood turned to ice. Lower angels leaving Heaven without permission was forbidden. Belzia had fallen. His most trusted of angels. He said nothing, he just stared at the messenger with cold fury. There had to be an explanation. She was chasing a lead and she had to go down, or whatever she had found had scared her to the core and she had run.

“Leave.” He commanded. Rafe stood and gathered his things. It seemed he was going to have to visit Earth.

One thought on “Fallen

  1. Tranquility should reign in heaven. If the higher host of angels are scrambling for the truth then…to paraphrase another writer, ‘something is rotten in the realms of heaven ‘.

    However, one can tell this is a fictional scenario, as I cannot believe that any ‘higher’ mortals with would care one jot that there trusted advisor had disappeared 😢 They’d just hire another and clear the desk of the missing pleb!
    Cynical? Or am I just seeing things through untinted glasses?


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