4 word prompt story exercise

Two posts in two days!? What madness is this?! Well, a long while ago I did a post with a whole list of twitter prompt words. Writing something around one word can be tricky, try combining multiple! But tonight I gave it another go! So if you are interested here are what the prompt words were and the host hashtags in case you fancy a go yourself. Would love to see your offerings in the comments. #vss365 bower #vssmagic furnace #vssfantasy cove #vssdaily missing

It had been eleven days since I’d gone missing. I wasn’t sure if anyone had even started looking for me. Or did it even count as going missing if you left of your own volition? In a few days, for sure, someone would notice. When I didn’t show up at the binding ceremony, all hell would break loose.

I’d be impressed if they found me. After jumping locations, twelve times and running decoy trails I had finally opened a portal to a random place and hoped for the best. Perhaps my magic wasn’t good at random after all. It had deposited me in the most picturesque cove I could have imagined. I’d already built myself a functioning bower and had a fire roaring like a furnace. It was all going incredibly well.

My hands hovered over the spit I had fashioned. I am not in the slightest bit practical. How on Earth had I managed to build all this without any of it falling down. And how had I ended up in such a paradise, one where no nasty bugs came and attacked me, where the heat was just right.

I cursed. Of course they weren’t looking for me. I’d never left.

I summoned all the magic I could, before they tore it from me, and blasted it at the fire. It might not be real but intent and imagination had power. I heard the yells seconds before the illusion melted away.

One thought on “4 word prompt story exercise

  1. Oh how we hope to shape our world as we want it to be. Perfection? We strive daily for it, but there’s always a shadow lurking to pull down our idyll.
    The powers that be do it for control, our families do it unwittingly because their perfect world is slightly different from ours and the other people around us do it out of spite and jealousy and a need to prove that their perfection is so much better than ours.
    So I say don’t push for perfection, find YOUR world that makes YOU happy, and let only those who have positive things to add to it interconnect with yours and keep those connections fluid. 😊


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