August Shaw- Sidekicks Unite!

Summer of Speculation may be eight months old but Shade a.k.a August Shaw has stuck with me. The brief was simple, write a scifi/fantasy story based on the theme sidekicks. It took me ages to finally hit upon it, especially when I was hellbent on making it a comedy (I still blame Goes Wrong Show for that) but it all pretty much stemmed from one line. I had that joke and everything else fell into place. And then Todd upgraded his cameo to main supporting cast. And now they are nagging at me, my tribe of sidekicks want to come out and play. (While and Sheridan from Tempus Rock may have something to say about that.) But in deference to their nagging I decided to share the intro to August Shaw and the Convention of Doom and this piece ends with ‘that line’. I hope you like and if you want to read the rest check it out here, it’s in Summer of Speculation 2023 from Cloaked Press.

Shade shuffled inexorably closer amongst the hoards. The strain of the long journey was starting to make its effects known and all he wanted was rest.

The travel case caught in the pile of the blood-red carpet causing his backpack to fall off his shoulder. He lurched to catch it before it hit the armour-clad beast in front of him. His shoulder brushed against the man’s back. A metallic screech pierced through the endless hum of chatter as the man turned. Red eyes glared at him through the narrow eye slit on the helmet.

“Sorry.” Shade smiled weakly, earning him a disgusted shake of the head.

He looked away towards the main reception desk. The hotel staff were split between looking at the queues in awe and in terror. Parents were realising what they had inadvertently walked into and pulled their children closer. While a little old lady clutching a white bag tutted at the assortment of figures. “Every year this happens!” A raised voice from the convention check-in desk pulled Shade’s attention away. “This is a sidekick conference not psychic!”

One thought on “August Shaw- Sidekicks Unite!

  1. Having read the whole story set down in ‘Summer of Speculation’, it was a buzz to read the opening lines once more 👌
    For those who are unfortunate to have not read the whole story, I have 5 questions;
    Why not?
    What do you mean you didn’t buy the book?
    Again, why not?
    Yes it’s worth it, if only for the whole of the fabulous ‘August Shaw -Sidekicks Unite!’ story.
    What are you waiting for?
    Go and source a copy and get chuckling. 🤣🤣🤣

    Oh I don’t know there’s no hope for some people 😆😆


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