Knock Knock (A Tempus Rock short)

This was written in response to MidWeek Flash Challenge No. 319 the final prompt! Please head over to Miranda's blog to see the picture that inspired this short and to see her work and previous prompts. I shall be going back and using some of the older prompts but thank you to Miranda for having … Continue reading Knock Knock (A Tempus Rock short)

Then there were two #MidWeekFlash Challenge story

This is written in response to the picture prompt on MidWeekFlash Challeneg number 308. Have a look at the picture and see other offering by other authors here. “How many do you think there are?” One by one the fires all began to light, conjured by the words of the gathered worshippers. “More than there … Continue reading Then there were two #MidWeekFlash Challenge story

News! Ish

So, not a story this time. Not even inspired ramblings of an insane writer slowly trying to procrastinate instead of work. Well, the procrastinating bit probably is correct but anywho. No, this blog post I thought I'd talk a bit about what's going on in my writing world. First things first, August Shade and the … Continue reading News! Ish